IEI Centres and Overseas Chapters
The Institution has its PAN India presence through more than 100 State and Local Centres, located at capital cities and towns of industrial and academic importance. In addition to that IEI has six Overseas Chapters in the Middle East. These centres are organizing various technical activities locally under the guidelines of the Council.
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IEI Fora and Organ
In pursuance to its policy and principles embodied in Royal Charter the activities of the Institution was further diversified in search of avenues of services to the nation. In this context The Institution of Engineers (India) have opened its limbs in the form of Fora and Organs.
An autonomous organ of the Institution of the Engineers (India), established in 1981at Hyderabad to serve as a nucleus for assisting the engineering fraternity to keep itself abreast of the advances in the area of the science and technology.
The Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI) is at the forefront in professional development of engineers in both core engineering disciplines and also interdisciplinary domains such as climate change, quality management, intelligent transportation, renewable energy and water resources management. Recent programs of ESCI address emerging areas such as additive manufacturing, information security, unmanned autonomous vehicles, engineering analysis and simulation.
ESCI is also supporting technical universities and engineering colleges through programs that focus on accreditation and assessment protocols, proficiency development for TEQIP institutions and employability enhancement of engineering graduates. Eminent engineers, scientists, industry leaders, IE (I) council members and academicians who serve as empanelled experts and adjunct faculty of ESCI enrich these programs through sharing of their professional insights.
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Established in 1985 at at Bangalore, to provide a national platform for promotion of design, research and development in a multi-dimensional framework and for useful interaction between designs, research and development and construction engineering with encouragement to and recognition of creative design talents by presentation National design awards every year.
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The National Skill Development Forum (NSDF) established pursuant to the resolution of the Council of the Institution of Engineers (India) adopted at its 700th meeting held during 31 Mar — 01 Apr 2018 at Hyderabad. NSDF shall play a very active role in the area of skill enhancement, capacity building, quality training in emerging, evolving, cutting edge technologies and where much has not been published or practised for professional engineers, managers, scientists and young graduates. Besides, NSDF shall undertake consultancy services in technology management domains. NSDF shall have formalised structure for cohesive, synergic efforts in the domain of Skill Development in IEI.
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Established in 1986 at Ahmedabad to promote and advance the engineering and practice of economic and cost effective management of water resources in its totality. The activities and services has attracted the attention of Central Government and a number of State Governments.
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Established in 1985 at Calcutta, for developing and promoting newer technologies, such as, non conventional energy, bio gas plant, solar cookers, improved Chulas, etc. For multi-faceted development of rural India.
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Established in 1998 at Patna, for developing and promoting advancement of engineering for sustainable development in totality. The Forum will not only undertake specific programmes pertaining to sustainable development in collaboration with central and state government s but will also evolve and make policy recommendations in the field of sustainable development.
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Safety and Quality Forum (SQF) in October 2003 at New Delhi with an aim is to network with various national, regional and local government bodies; international & national organizations and inculcate the concepts of safety and quality in application and operations
The objectives of SQF are to promote and propagate the concept of Safety and Quality through networking mechanism, assist industrial/government unit in undertaking quality and/or safety audits and develop courses, syllabi and course materials for 'Safety Engineering', 'Quality Management' and 'Reliability Engineering' for different levels of engineering education and recommend the same to educational authorities/institutions.
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The Disaster Awareness and Management cell, located at the IEI Uttarakhand State Centre, Dehradun, was operational since the calamity of Kedarnath shrine area in 2013 and has been extending technical co-operation and assistance in natural calamities e.g. landslide, cloud bursting, earthquake etc, keeping in close liaison with the Disaster Management Department, Government of Uttarakhand. The Council at its 709th meeting held on July 30-31, 2021 at Hyderabad decided to upgrade the Cell to Disaster Awareness and Management Forum (DAMF) of IEI.
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Students' Chapter
The Council may establish Engineering College Students’ Chapters or Polytechnic Students’ Chapters at engineering colleges or polytechnics conducting courses recognized by the Institution with the concurrence of the managing authorities of the respective engineering colleges or polytechnics and notify the establishment to the State Centre within the geographical boundaries of which such Chapter will be located.
The Student Members (SMIE) of an Engineering College in a discipline recognized by the Council or the students undergoing regular courses at a polytechnic recognized by the Council shall be attached to the respective Chapter on payment of requisite subscription and the affairs of such chapter shall be managed in accordance with the rules framed and approved by the Council from time to time under the guidance of the Adviser who shall be a member of the faculty nominated by the managing authorities of the respective engineering colleges or polytechnics.
Newsletter Students' Chapter Feb 2024 Issue
Newsletter Students' Chapter Apr 2024 Issue
Newsletter Students' Chapter Jun 2024 Issue
Newsletter Students' Chapter Aug 2024 Issue
Newsletter Students' Chapter Oct 2024 Issue
Newsletter Students' Chapter Dec 2024 Issue
Journal Students' Chapter 2022 Issue
Journal Students' Chapter 2023 Issue
Journal Students' Chapter 2024 Issue
Technicians' Chapter
The Council may establish on the recommendation of a State Centre one or more Technicians’ Chapters within the geographical boundaries of a State Centre with geographical boundaries of such Chapters defined and notified.
All Senior Technician Members and Technician Members of the Institution having their recorded addresses within the geographical boundaries of a Technicians’ Chapter shall be attached to the Technicians’ Chapter.
The Council may also establish Technicians’ Chapters at engineering and technical establishments recognized by the Council provided the total number of Senior Technician Members and Technician Members engaged or employed in the said establishment is not less than twenty.
The affairs of the Technicians’ Chapters shall be managed in accordance with the rules framed and approved by the Council from time to time.
National Links
The Institution of Engineers (India) IEI has entered into an Agreement of Cooperation with the following professional bodies functioning in the country, in the interest of the engineering profession and the fraternity at large, and also to promote the development of a closer working relationship with these organizations for mutual benefit of the members of both the organizations.
Consulting Engineers Association of India – CEAI
World Energy Council – Indian Member Committee - WEC-IMC
The Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers - IETE
The Computer Society of India - CSI
Centre for Innovations in Public Systems, Hyderabad - CIPS
Indian Society for Technical Education – ISTE
International Links
The Institution of Engineers (India) IEI has been associated with the following professional bodies, as a member organization representing India, for several years altogether, with the objective of the advancement of engineering profession and the fraternity at large, and also to promote the development of a closer working relationship with these organizations for a closer interaction on the topics of significance and professional relevance.
International Bodies with IEI as a Member
World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
Indian National Committee – World Mining Congress (INC-WMC)
Federation Internationale du Béton (FIB)
Commonwealth Engineers’ Council (CEC)
Federation of Engineering Institutions of South and Central Asia (FEISCA)
Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP)
World Energy Council – Indian Member Committee (WEC-IMC)
International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA -- formerly EMF)
The Institution of Engineers (India) IEI has entered into an Agreement of Cooperation with the following professional bodies all over the world, in the interest of the engineering profession and the fraternity at large in both the countries, and also to promote the development of a closer working relationship with these organizations for mutual benefit of the members of both the organizations, and also to promote and enlarge the exchange of technical, scientific and professional knowledge to better serve the interests and welfare of the members, the engineering profession in general, and the public in both countries.
The spirit of this Agreement is to encourage and support engineer members of the partner organizations to uphold and advance the integrity, honour and dignity of the engineering profession by using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare; by being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients; by striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession; and by supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines.
Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations - USEA
Hungarian Federation of Technical and Scientific Societies - MTESZ
Federation of the Scientific-Engineering Unions - FNTS
Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia - UETS
The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering - CSCE
China Association of Science and Technology - CAST
Polish Federation of Engineering Associations - NOT
Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Societies - CSVTS
Nepal Engineers' Association - NEA
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure - VDI
Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel - AEAI
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME
American Society of Civil Engineers - ASCE
The Institution of Engineering and Technology - IET
The Institution of Civil Engineers - ICE
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers - IMechE
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh - IEB
The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE
The Institute of Electrical Engineers, Japan - IEEJ
Danish Society of Engineers - IDA
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - HKIE
Japan Society of Civil Engineers - JSCE
Kuwait Society of Engineers - KSE
Korean Society of Civil Engineers - KSCE
Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers - KIEE
Korean Professional Engineers' Association - KPEA
The Institution of Engineers, Mauritius - IEMauritius
Chinese Institute of Engineers - CIE
General Union of Palestinian Engineers - GUPE
The South African Institution of Civil Engineering - SAICE
The Nigerian Society of Engineers - NSE
Engineers Australia - EAust
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia - IEM
Federation of African Engineering Organisations - FAEO