Need to revised

Ref. No.{{selectedProp.TECH_PROP_ID}}
Programme Type: {{selectedProp.IEI_TBL_TECH_PROG_HD.PROG_DESC}}
Divisional Board/Committee: {{selectedProp.IEI_TBL_TECH_DIVISION_MAST.DISCRIPTION}}
Programme Date: {{selectedProp.PROG_DT|date}}
Theme of the Activity: {{selectedProp.PROG_TITLE}}
Abstract & Sub-themes of the Programme: {{selectedProp.PROG_ABSTRUCT}}
Remarks: {{selectedProp.REMARKS}}

Submission of proposal for Technical Activity

Video Guide for Creating New Technical Activity Proposal

Before Creating New Technical Activity Proposal please go through the video or help guide.

If you are not able to view the video due to un supported browser or any other reason then you can download the help file and follow the steps to Create New Technical Activity Proposal.

Submission of proposal for Technical Activity

(e.g. AM1234567/F-1234567/M-1234567)
Expected number of Invitees* Expected number of Participants* Expected number of Delegates* Expected number of Papers*
Corporate Members* Non-Corporate Members*

Your name is required.

Special characters (e.g.!@#$%^&*+=`~"':[]&{}|\/) should be avoided in all the above input field sections.
Special characters (e.g.!@#$%^&*+=`~"':[]&{}|\/) should be avoided in all the above input field sections.

All red asterisk (*) mandatory fields must be fill before submitting the Form.