Video Guide for submission of Sponsored (Division Board) Technical Activity Report

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Sponsored (Division Board) Activities

Report of Sponsor Activity
Ref. No.{{SponsorProposal.TECH_PROP_ID}}
Event Type: {{SponsorProposal.IEI_TBL_TECH_PROG_HD.PROG_DESC}} ({{SponsorProposal.NO_OF_DAYS}} day(s) Event) Divisional Board/Committee: {{SponsorProposal.IEI_TBL_TECH_DIVISION_MAST.DISCRIPTION}} {{DateDuration}}
Theme of the Activity: {{SponsorProposal.PROG_TITLE}}
Abstract & Sub-themes of the Programme: {{SponsorProposal.PROG_ABSTRUCT}}
Venue: {{SponsorProposal.PROG_VENUE}}
Venue City/Town: {{SponsorProposal.PROG_CITY}}
Convener's Membership No: {{SponsorProposal.CONVENER_MEMB_NO}} Name: {{SponsorProposal.IEI_TBL_PARTY_MASTER.PARTY_NAME}} Division Board: {{SponsorProposal.IEI_TBL_PARTY_MASTER.IEI_TBL_DIVISION_MAST.DISCRIPTION}} Attached Centre: {{SponsorProposal.IEI_TBL_PARTY_MASTER.IEI_TBL_CENTMAST.CNAME}}
Remarks: {{SponsorProposal.REMARKS}}

***In the Abstract section special characters (e.g. " ' : [ ] and { }) should be avoided.***
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{{ $index + 1 }} {{ session.IEI_TBL_TECH_REPORT_RULE_VS_SUB_TYPE.RPT_SUB_DESC }}